hgd constitution layout

Within my position as vice president of operations in Huskey Games, I decided to update some of the enterprise’s internal materials. One of these documents was our constitution. 

I used Indesign to create a new layout for the document which can be distributed instead of the google docs we were using previously.


Grimm fairy tales

One of the assignments within the publications class taught at MTU (HU3630) was a custom layout design for a selectin of the Grimm Brother’s Fairy Tales.

I chose to design an art deco themed design for six stories. This project was produced using Adobe Indesign and Illustrator.


Cookbook layout

Another project from HU3630 was the production of a cookbook. For this project I cerated a desert book using family recipes and suplimenting content with recipes from a food blog.

This project was produced in Adobe Indesign and Illustrator.


Clarity logo design

This project was the result of a logo design exercise in MTU’s graphic design class. The design was made following a design drief for a fictional optomitrist business opening in the Keweenaw.

This project was made entirely in Adobe Illustrator.


Design expo materials

In the spring semester of 2023, my HGD development team volunteered to compete in the MTU Enterprise design expo.

I designed and produced all of the poster and promotional material related to our submission to the event.

Our submission also included a video which I produced.